Objavljeno Sep 27, 2024
Danes je svetovni dan turizma, Slovenci smo ponosni, da smo začetniki Apiturizma !
Čebelarski turizem je poslovna priložnost za čebelarje!
Slovenija je prva in trenutno edina država, ki uvaja certificiranje ponudnikov apiturizma.
Certifikati odličnosti zagotavljajo nadzor nad ponudbo in kakovostjo storitev ter spodbujajo konkurenčnost. Prva presoja je potekala v letu 2011, prvi cerifikati so bili podeljeni 2013.
Sekcija ponudnikov apiturizma pri ČZS je bila ustanovljena leta 2016.
Certificiranje je nadvse pomemben element razvoja čebelarske turistične ponudbe, saj vpliva tako na povečanje kakovosti kot tudi na večjo konkurenčnost. Apiturizem daje priložnosti za nadgradnjo že obstoječih čebelarstev, mladim in vsem, ki jih navdušujejo čebele pa priložnost za začetek samostojne poti ali dodaten zaslužek.
Temelj uspešnega razvoja apiturizma je povezovanje čebelarstev, ponudnikov turističnih proizvodov, turističnih društev, lokalnih skupnosti in države ter partnerski nastop pri oblikovanju ponudbe, njenem umeščanju in trženju.
Apiturizem podpirajo tudi Ministrstvo za okolje in prostor, Ministrstvo za gospodarski razvoj in tehnologijo, Direktorat za turizem in internacionalizacijo, STO, Sektor za turizem in Ministrstvo za zunanje zadeve.
Več si lahko preberete v priloženem sporočilu za javnost.
Today is World Tourism Day, Slovenians are proud to be the pioneers of Api tourism!
Beekeeping tourism is a business opportunity for beekeepers!
Slovenia is the first and currently the only country to carry out certification of apitourism providers. Certificates of excellence ensure control over the range and quality of services and promote competitiveness. The first evaluation took place in 2011, with the first certificates awarded in 2013.
Certification is a very important element in the development of the beekeeping tourism offer, both in terms of quality and competitiveness. On one hand, apitourism is an opportunity to upgrade existing beekeeping farms, while it also provides young people and anyone who is fascinated by bees with the opportunity to start an independent journey or make some extra money.
The basis for the successful development of apitourism is the cooperation of beekeeping farms, providers of tourism products, tourist associations, local communities and the state, as well as their collaboration in planning, positioning and marketing their offer.
Apitourism in Slovenia is also supported by the Ministry of the Environment and Spatial Planning, Ministry of Economic Development and Technology, Directorate for Tourism and Internationalisation, WTO, Sector for Tourism and Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
You can read more in the attached press release.
Čebelarski turizem je poslovna priložnost za čebelarje!
Slovenija je prva in trenutno edina država, ki uvaja certificiranje ponudnikov apiturizma.
Certifikati odličnosti zagotavljajo nadzor nad ponudbo in kakovostjo storitev ter spodbujajo konkurenčnost. Prva presoja je potekala v letu 2011, prvi cerifikati so bili podeljeni 2013.
Sekcija ponudnikov apiturizma pri ČZS je bila ustanovljena leta 2016.
Certificiranje je nadvse pomemben element razvoja čebelarske turistične ponudbe, saj vpliva tako na povečanje kakovosti kot tudi na večjo konkurenčnost. Apiturizem daje priložnosti za nadgradnjo že obstoječih čebelarstev, mladim in vsem, ki jih navdušujejo čebele pa priložnost za začetek samostojne poti ali dodaten zaslužek.
Temelj uspešnega razvoja apiturizma je povezovanje čebelarstev, ponudnikov turističnih proizvodov, turističnih društev, lokalnih skupnosti in države ter partnerski nastop pri oblikovanju ponudbe, njenem umeščanju in trženju.
Apiturizem podpirajo tudi Ministrstvo za okolje in prostor, Ministrstvo za gospodarski razvoj in tehnologijo, Direktorat za turizem in internacionalizacijo, STO, Sektor za turizem in Ministrstvo za zunanje zadeve.
Več si lahko preberete v priloženem sporočilu za javnost.
Today is World Tourism Day, Slovenians are proud to be the pioneers of Api tourism!
Beekeeping tourism is a business opportunity for beekeepers!
Slovenia is the first and currently the only country to carry out certification of apitourism providers. Certificates of excellence ensure control over the range and quality of services and promote competitiveness. The first evaluation took place in 2011, with the first certificates awarded in 2013.
Certification is a very important element in the development of the beekeeping tourism offer, both in terms of quality and competitiveness. On one hand, apitourism is an opportunity to upgrade existing beekeeping farms, while it also provides young people and anyone who is fascinated by bees with the opportunity to start an independent journey or make some extra money.
The basis for the successful development of apitourism is the cooperation of beekeeping farms, providers of tourism products, tourist associations, local communities and the state, as well as their collaboration in planning, positioning and marketing their offer.
Apitourism in Slovenia is also supported by the Ministry of the Environment and Spatial Planning, Ministry of Economic Development and Technology, Directorate for Tourism and Internationalisation, WTO, Sector for Tourism and Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
You can read more in the attached press release.
Sep 27, 2024