Strokovna ekipa Evropskega čebelarskega združenja (EBA) je v posvetovanju s strokovnjaki za kakovost medu pripravila pomembno besedilo za vse potrošnike medu po Evropi, zakaj je pomembno za uživanje izbrati med z območja geografske Evrope. Besedilo bo poslano vsem poslancem Evropskega parlamenta, vodstvu EU, nacionalne čebelarske zveze vseh držav geografske Evrope pa pozivamo, da ga čim prej pošljejo oblastem v svojih državah. Stanje je alarmantno, časa za čakanje ni več. Vabimo tudi vsa preostala evropska čebelarska združenja, da se do 10. aprila letos pridružijo EBA in ustvarijo še močnejšo fronto za boj za preživetje čebel in čebelarstva.
Z izbiro evropskega medu pomagate čebelarjem ohraniti zanimanje za čebelarjenje in tako prispevate k preživetju čebel. Divje opraševalce je zdesetkalo intenzivno kmetijstvo, medonosna čebela pa lahko preživi, dokler imajo čebelarji simbolni interes za čebelarstvo. Brez čebelarjev ni čebel. Brez čebelarjev bi medonosne čebele zaradi zajedavcev izginile v manj kot dveh letih.
Evropejci vedo, da evropski čebelarji spoštujejo pravila tradicionalne pridelave, skrbijo za čebele in potrošnikom dostavljajo varen med najvišje kakovosti.
Evropski predpisi zagotavljajo visoke higienske standarde pridelave medu. Evropskih čebel se ne zdravi z antibiotiki in drugimi v Evropi prepovedanimi sredstvi, zato je možnost kontaminacije medu izključena.
Evropski med vsebuje antioksidante, minerale in probiotične bakterije, ki so bolj prilagojene našemu telesu, kot bi pričakovali.
Med z geografskega območja Evrope je zaradi čiste narave in voda neprimerljivo boljše kakovosti in arome kot uvoženi med.
Z izbiro evropskega medu izboljšate kakovost vseh domačih kmetijskih pridelkov, ki zahtevajo opraševanje, saj opraševanja ni mogoče uvoziti tako kot lahko uvozimo med.
Z izbiro evropskega medu pomagate ohranjati naravo in biotsko raznovrstnost v Evropi, saj čebele oprašujejo tudi ogromno divjih rastlin, ki so ključen del prehranjevalne verige v naravi.
Z izbiro evropskega medu podpirate kulturno dediščino in stoletja stara kulinarična doživetja, ki prispevajo k našemu zdravju in nas povezujejo z naravo. Dokazano je, da dodajanje medu kulinaričnim jedem prispeva k boljši absorpciji hranil iz teh jedi v našem telesu.
Z izbiro evropskega medu zmanjšate onesnaževanje okolja, povezano s transportom na dolge razdalje ter porabo energentov v procesu ponarejanja medu. Ravno obratno pa čebelarstvo izboljšuje okolje, saj izkorišča in se zanaša le na lokalne naravne vire.
Z izbiro evropskega medu podpirate lokalne čebelarje, zmanjšujete inflacijo in odliv kapitala iz Evrope.
Čebelarji evropskih držav (tako iz EU kot izven EU) so ustanovili Evropsko čebelarsko zvezo (EBA), ki se bori za kakovost medu in umik ponaredkov s trga ter ščiti tako potrošnike kot čebelarje z zagovarjanjem pristnosti evropskega medu. EBA se zavzema za čimprejšnjo vzpostavitev enotnih analiznih metod za ugotavljanje pristnosti medu na evropskem trgu.
Z izbiro evropskega medu jeste pravi čebelji med. Evropska komisija je ugotovila, da je skoraj 50 % uvoženega medu ponarejenega. Kupovanje medu neposredno od čebelarjev v vaši okolici daje največjo garancijo kakovosti. Če ga kupujete v trgovini, pa bodite pozorni na državo izvora, saj je med z območja geografske Evrope najbolj varen. Večina ponaredkov vsebuje sladkorne sirupe z dodatki. Takšen ponarejen med večinoma ni imel niti stika s čebelami in je namenjen le zavajanju potrošnikov in dobičku ponarejevalcev.
Ponarejen med lahko vsebuje celo natrijev hidroksid, umetne encime (slednji so dodani tudi t. i. veganskemu »medu«, ki pravzaprav ne obstaja, saj medu brez čebel ni), umetne arome, umetna barvila in sladkorje slabše kakovosti, ki so dodani med ponarejanjem in lahko predstavljajo tveganje za zdravje ljudi. Takšen ponarejen med nima niti najmanjše biološke vrednosti, ki jo čebelji med sicer zagotavlja človeškemu telesu. Pristni čebelji pridelki se vse bolj uspešno uporabljajo v apiterapiji (veja komplementarne medicine, ki temelji na znanosti in bogati tradiciji).
The expert team of the European Beekeeping Association (EBA), in consultation with honey quality experts, has prepared an important text for all honey consumers across Europe, why it is important to choose honey from the geographical area of Europe for consumption. The text will be sent to all members of the European Parliament, the EU leadership, and we urge the national beekeeping associations of all countries in geographical Europe to send it to the authorities in their countries as soon as possible. The situation is alarming, there is no time to wait. We also invite all other European beekeeping associations to join the EBA by April 10 this year and create an even stronger front to fight for the survival of bees and beekeeping.
Europeans Choose European Honey
By choosing European honey, you help beekeepers to maintain the interest in beekeeping and thus contribute to the survival of bees. Wild pollinators have been decimated by intensive agriculture, and the honey bee can survive for as long as beekeepers have a symbolic interest in raising bees. Without beekeepers there are no bees. Without beekeepers they would disappear in less than two years due to unmanaged bee parasites.
Europeans know that European beekeepers respect the rules of traditional production, take care of bees, and deliver safe honey of the highest quality to consumers.
European regulations ensure high hygienic standards of honey production. European bees are not treated with antibiotics and other agents banned in Europe, so the possibility of honey contamination is excluded.
European honey contains antioxidants, minerals and probiotic bacteria that are more adapted to our body than expected.
The territory of geographical Europe produces honey of incomparably better quality and aroma than imported honeys, due to its clean nature and waters.
By choosing European honey, you improve the quality of all domestic agricultural products that require pollination, because pollination cannot be imported like honey.
By choosing European honey, you help preserve nature and European biodiversity, because bees, in addition to cultivated bees, also pollinate a huge number of wild plants that are a crucial part of the food chain in nature.
By choosing European honey, you support the cultural heritage and centuries-old culinary experiences that contribute to our health and connect us to nature. It has been proven that adding honey to culinary dishes contributes to a better absorption of nutrients from those dishes in our body.
By choosing European honey, you reduce the environmental pollution associated with long-distance transport, as well as the use of energy sources in the honey adulteration process. In contrast, beekeeping improves the environment and uses and relies only on local natural resources.
By choosing European honey, you support local beekeepers, reduce inflation and the outflow of capital from Europe.
Beekeepers of European countries (both from the EU and outside the EU) founded the European Beekeeping Association (EBA), which fights for the quality of honey and the removal of counterfeits from the market, protecting both consumers and beekeepers by defending the authenticity of European honey. EBA requests that harmonised analytical methods for determination of honey authenticity on the European market are established as soon as possible.
By choosing European honey, you are eating real bee honey. The European Commission has announced that almost 50% of imported honey is fake. You have the greatest guarantee of quality when you purchase honey directly from beekeepers in your area, and if you purchase it in a store, pay attention to the country of origin, because the safest honey is from the territory of geographical Europe. Most counterfeits contain sugar syrups with additives. Such adulterated (“fake”) honey had mostly no contact with bees and only serves to deceive consumers and profit counterfeiters.“
Counterfeit honey can contain even sodium hydroxide (caustic soda), artificial enzymes (which are also added to the so-called vegan "honey", which does not actually exist, because there is no honey without bees), artificial flavors, artificial colors and low-grade sugars, which are added during counterfeiting and can present risks for human health. In such fake honey, there is not even the slightest biological value that bee honey provides to the human body. Authentic bee products are increasingly successfully used in apitherapy (a branch of complementary medicine based on science and rich tradition).
European Beekeeping Association
Delo Evropske čebelarske zveze spremljajte na - https://ebaeurope.eu/
Mar 27, 2024